The peace of Christ is a power that unites, bridges and heals. Jesse's third album is a musical testament to this transforming power in our lives. As the title track puts it, "in every word, in every deed, we've got the power of peace!" This is music that empowers every believer to act and speak in ways that spread Christ's peace.
Like Jesse's other collections, Power of Peace is eclectic in style, mixing reggae, rap, rock and contemporary tracks with pieces appropriate for the liturgy. Hip hop fans will love "Another Day," a well-executed rap with strong bass lines. "Keep Me Safe" is a cheerful, reggae-style setting of Psalm 16. "Kyrie Eleison" is another reggae track, this time with great steel drum accompaniment.
"Send Out Your Spirit," based on Psalm 104, is one of several songs that were included in the Spirit & Song hymnal. The collection also includes a contemporary Mass setting, Mass of the Solid Rock, with a nicely written Holy, Memorial Acclamation, Amen and Lamb of God.
Note: This contains Mass parts that are no longer approved for liturgical use.